Amy’s Culinary Adventures

great food • anytime • anywhere
“The Bacon Affair”
Underground dinner party catering is a lot of fun for our paying guests -- and for us, too! We host a fantastic party in a mystery location in the Los Angeles area, we serve a fabulous dinner, and we give guests a glimpse into our lives as wedding caterers, holiday caterers, party caterers and more!
Add your email address to our list to receive notices about ticket to upcoming dinners -- and check out our party catering menus for your next event!
Bacon Mary, a bloody Mary with Chef Amy's homemade bacon-infused vodka and bacon salt rim
Featured bacon: Nueskes
Applewood Smoked Bacon Crostini with caramelized apple and goat cheese
Featured bacon: North Country Applewood Smoked Bacon
Inside-Out Potato Skins -- bacon cups with crispy potatoes, Gruyère cheese, friend onions, sour cream and chives
Featured bacon: New Braunfels Comal County
Bacon Tempura
Featured bacon: J. Samuel Whiting
Deconstructed Cobb Salad -- blue cheese mousse between layers of bacon, with baby greens, avocado, and heirloom tomato dressing
Featured bacon: Petit Jean Ozark Hickory Smoked
Wine: 2004 Paringa Sparking Shiraz
Bacon Consommé Chowder with potatoes, onions, and bacon cream with bacon crackers
Featured bacon: Father's Hickory Smoked Country Bacon
Spaghetti Carbonara with bacon-infused pasta, caramelized onions, crimini mushrooms, and Canadian bacon
Featured bacon: Loveless Cafe and Carlton's Canadian Bacon
Wine: 2005 Boarding Pass Shiraz
"Bacon and Eggs" Ice Cream Dish -- bacon ice cream with chocolate-covered bacon sprinkles and Plush Puffs maple pecan bacon marshmallow
Featured bacon: Burger's Sugar Cured and Nodine's Applewood
Special thanks to:
Tim Coles
from The Grateful Palate
and the Bacon of the Month Club
Mark Howell
for donating this beautiful space
Shari Futas and Nannette Emerson
from Futas Design Group
for furnishing the event
Toni Purry and Shanna Moore
from The Purry Group
for promoting us
Cecilia De Castro and Tad Weyland
for culinary assistance

And if you love bacon underground dinners, check out The Bacon Affair 2 dinner party • Bacon a Go-Go diner party • The Bacon Bash dinner party • Makin' Bacon dinner party